Page 61 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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c) AYUSH Suraksha Portal:  Pharmacovigilance portal for  ASU&H drugs

                                       The main objective of the portal is to collect, collate and analyse data

                                 to establish evidence for clinical safety of  ASU & H drugs in a scientific
                                 manner for documenting clinical evidence of safety and to undertake surveillance

                                 of misleading advertisements of  ASU & H drugs for regulatory actions.  A
                                 three-tier structure comprising a National Pharmacovigilance Co-ordination

                                 Centre (NPvCC), Intermediary Pharmacovigilance Centres (IPvCs) and
                                 Peripheral Pharmacovigilance Centres (PPvCs) is established. All India Institute

                                 of  Ayurveda  (AIIA),  New  Delhi  under  Ministry  of  Ayush  is  the  National
                                 Pharmacovigilance Co-ordination Centre (NPvCC) for the implementation of

                                 the National Pharmacovigilance programme for Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani &
                                 Homoeopathy drugs.

                             d) e-Aushadhi  Portal  (Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha  and Homeopathy Automated
                                 Drug  Help  Initiative.):  A  complete  supply chain  management  System  for

                             e) e-Charak (portal and mobile app):  An electronic channel of market for

                                 herbs, aromatic and raw materials
                                       National Medicinal Plant Boar (NMPB) has launched an online virtual

                                 platform and a mobile application e-charak, with a view to
                                 provide an online market portal for trade of medicinal plants. In this application

                                 and online platform, farmers and  collectors could  display their produce in
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                                 possession & buyers like traders, manufactures, exporters could be able to

                                 look into their requirements.  This application and online platform would
                                 create a vivid transparent, workable trade linkages among the producers &

                             f)  TKDL Portal (Traditional Knowledge Digital Library): Documenting the

                                 traditional knowledge in digital format and prevention of biopiracy.  https://

                             g) AYUSH research portal: Database for  AYUSH research articles  https://

                                       Huge repository of extensive research works by various stakeholders in
                                 Ayush is created online at a dedicated website:  Ayush research portal,

                                 cataloguing 37639 research publications. The portal is actively managed by
                                 National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage (NIIMH), Hyderabad, CCRAS,

                                 Ministry of Ayush and is made in a searchable format and includes publications

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