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patent examiners and include the source of information as well as image of the relevant

                      portion of original text.
                             As per approvals of the Cabinet, the access of the database is given to patent

                      offices world-wide that have signed non-disclosure access agreements with the CSIR.
                      Sixteen patent offices including the Indian Patent Office (Controller General of Patents,

                      Designs  &  Trade  Marks),  European  Patent  Office,  US  Patent  Office,  Japanese  Patent
                      Office, German Patent Office, Canadian Patent Office, Chile Patent Office,  Australian

                      Patent Office, UK Patent Office, Malaysian Patent Office, Russian Patent Office, Peru
                      Patent Office, and Spanish Patent &  Trademark Office, Danish Patent &  Trademark

                      Office, French Patent Office and the Eurasian Patent Organisation have been granted
                      access to the TKDL database.

                             The CSIR-TKDL Unit also files third party observations and pre-grant oppositions
                      on patent  applications  related  to  Indian traditional knowledge, particularly,  traditional

                      medicines based on the  TKDL evidences. So far, 323 patent applications have been
                      either withdrawn/deemed withdrawn or amended or set aside on the basis of TKDL

                      evidence thus protecting Indian traditional medicine.
                             Recently, in its approval dated 17  August 2022, the Cabinet among others,

                      allowed grant of access of the  TKDL to all users, beyond patent offices, with due
                      safeguards. The TKDL will serve as valuable source of knowledge for gainfully integrating

                      with modern science and technology, and enable impactful advancements.

                      Relevant Statutes in the context of traditional medicine and genetic resources
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                             a) The Biological Diversity Act, 2002: As per the national Biological Diversity
                                 (BD)  Act, 2002, approval of the National Biodiversity  Authority (NBA) is
                                 necessary before seeking any IPR based on biological material and associated

                                 knowledge obtained from India. Under the BD Act, 2002 and Rules thereunder,
                                 the NBA has also been pursuing efforts on Peoples Biodiversity Register

                                 (PBR).  The  register  is  a  tool  for  formal  recording  and  maintenance  of
                                 comprehensive information on availability and knowledge of local biological

                                 resources, their medicinal or any other use.
                             b) The Patents Act, 1970: The Patents Act, 1970 provides for disclosing the

                                 source and geographical origin of the biological material in the specification,
                                 when used in an invention and conveys the information to NBA, thereby

                                 facilitating compliance.
                                 More details can be accessed at:


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