Page 189 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 189

reported use of Ayush measures for prevention of COVID-19, among which

                                89.8% respondents agreed to have benefitted from the practice of  Ayush

                            l)  Utilisation of HR and infrastructure in COVID Care Centres:
                                50,000-Ayush infrastructure of 50000+ beds, hospitals of 750+ Ayush colleges,

                                86 clinical facilities converted into COVID Care Centres/hospitals 8,32,445
                                Ayush experts have been utilised in mitigation of COVID-19. Ministry of Ayush

                                and Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW) have jointly provided
                                training to 33,000 Ayush master trainers. Total 83000 Ayush Personnel had

                                obtained training at platform on a continual basis and 28,473 Ayush
                                staff got deployed for COVID-19 related healthcare Services.

                            m) NITI Aayog released a compendium of Ayush-based practices from States
                                and Union territories detailing information about various  Ayush-based

                                initiatives and practices adopted by the States and Union territories in India
                                for containing and managing the COVID-19 outbreak.

                            n) AYURAKSHA, a prophylactic  Ayurvedic immunity boosting kit reducing
                                positivity percentage of IgG COVID-19 among frontline Indian Delhi police

                                personnel: A non-randomised controlled intervention trial.
                                    The study aimed to determine the efficacy of the “AYURAKSHA” kit in

                                terms of post-interventional percentage of COVID-19 IgG positivity, immunity
                                levels, and quality of life (QoL) against COVID-19.

                                    This was a non-randomised controlled, prospective intervention trial, done
                                after the distribution of 80,000 AYURAKSHA kits (constituent of Sanshamani

                                Vati, AYUSH Kadha, and Anu Taila) among Delhi police participants in India.


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