Page 143 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 143

5. Establishment and Maintenance High Tech Education Facilities for Alternative

                                Medical Colleges
                            6. Legislatives and Regulations

                            7. Monitoring and Supervision


                            • Proper identification or selection, collection of the medicinal plants and
                              extraction procedure of the identified plant with suitable solvent are mandatory

                              to develop Traditional medicine.
                            • Detection of biologically active compounds, metabolites from the crude extract

                              and establishment of a bioassay system for identification of the active fractions
                              which are important approaches to claim the therapeutic efficacy.

                            • Isolation of the active compound by chromatographic or other suitable techniques
                              and purification of the isolated compounds by repeated chromatography and

                            • Establish the chemical structures of the pure compounds by various

                              physicochemical techniques and determine their biological activity by various
                              pharmacological and toxicological tests.

                            • Follow good agricultural and collection practices (GACP) for medicinal plants.
                            • To arrange Training & Research programme on management and control of

                              NCD (HTN, DM, Obesity, Heart Disease, Fatty Liver, Stroke, Dyslipidaemia,
                              etc) by lifestyle modification, counselling and healthy food guidelines.

                            • Increase International collaboration on TM Education and Research.



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