Page 140 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 140

Provide USG Support in Hospital

                             • Radio-imaging department: The Radio-imaging department provides X-Ray,
                                USG & ECG for the OPD and admitted patients in the hospital.
                             • Family planning unit: This unit serves adequate information on family planning

                                and recognises various contraceptive methods as well as sexual and reproductive

                             • ANC and IMCI&N Unit: Providing information to reduce the risk of pregnancy
                                and to reduce death, illness and disability. It also promotes information to

                                improve growth and development of children under five years of age.

                             • Dispensaries: This institute has two separate dispensaries Unani and Ayurvedic.
                                More  than  50  kinds  of  Unani  and  Ayurvedic  medicines  are  supplied  to  the
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report

                      Research activities of Traditional Medicine
                             • Research & Production unit is functioning at Government Unani & Ayurvedic

                                Medical College, Dhaka.

                             • Unani & Ayurvedic Research Institute at Bangladesh Unani & Ayurvedic Board.
                             • Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR)
                             • University of Dhaka

                             • University of Rajshahi

                             • University of Chittagong
                             • Jahangirnagar University
                             • University of Khulna

                             • Bangladesh National Herbarium

                             • Bangladesh University of Health Science (BUHS)


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