Page 136 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 136

• Regimental  Therapy practice Bangladesh: Unani and  Ayurvedic Doctors are

                                practising different regimental therapies for treating the different diseases in
                                Bangladesh. The  best  practices  of  regimental  therapies  are  cupping,  leeching,

                                massage, dieto-therpy, exercise and nutool.
                             • Pancha-karma unit: Panchakarma is the ultimate mind-body healing experience

                                for detoxifying the body, strengthening the immune system, and restoring
                                balance and well-being. There are five karma like Vaman (Therapeutic emesis),

                                Virechana  (Therapeutic  purgation),  Basti  (Medicated  enemas),  Nasya  (Nasal
                                instillation of medicine) and Rakta mokshana (Therapeutic bloodletting) done

                             • Acupuncture  unit:  Acupuncture  is  an  important  unit  in  this  hospital  usually

                                treating various kinds of musculoskeletal disorders, pain management,
                                neurological disorders, etc.

                             • Yoga Unit:  Yogic practices enhance muscular strength and body flexibility,
                                promote and improve respiratory and cardiovascular function, reduce stress,

                                anxiety, depression, and overall maintain well-being and quality of life.

              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report

                                    Students Learning Acupuncture Under the Supervision of Teacher


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