Page 19 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 19


                     These  four  elements  of  the  body  must  be  equilibrium,  if  any  one  of  these
               elements  imbalance,  the  body  will  become  unhealthy.  It’s  also  impact  from  the
               imbalance of the four external elements and spirit. The theory of four elements was
               one      of    the    most     powerful     in    the     history    of    Angkor      era.
                     NEAK  PEOAN  temple  founded  by  the  King  Jayavaraman  VII,  showing  the
               central island and the four small lakes symbolizing the four elements “Tek: water,
               Dey: earth, Phleung: fire and Kachal: air”.

               Brief History of Traditional Khmer Medicine
               DURING ANGKOR ERA
                     The  Khmer  Empire  was  one  of  the
               most powerful empires in Southeast Asia.
               The empire, which grew out of the former
               kingdom  of  Chenla,  at  times  ruled  over
               and/or  vassalized  parts  of  modern-day
               Laos,  Thailand,  Vietnam,  Burma,  and

                     Its  greatest  legacy  is  Angkor,  in
               present-day Cambodia, which was the site
               of  the  capital  city  during  the  empire's
               zenith.  Angkor  bears  testimony  to  the
               Khmer  empire's  immense  power  and
               wealth,  as  well  as  the  variety  of  belief
               systems that it patronised over time.

                     The empire's official religions included
               Hinduism  and  Mahayana  Buddhism,  until         Empire Khmer during King Jayavarman VII
               Theravada  Buddhism  prevailed,  even
               among the lower classes, after its introduction from Sri Lanka in the 13th century.
               Modern  researches  by  satellites  have  revealed  Angkor  to  be  the  largest  pre-
               industrial urban centre in the world.

               Timeline of Angkor Era
                                                 IXth century:  beginning of Angkor Era
                                                 XIIth century: peak of the Khmer Empire
                                                 During its history, Khmer Empire has benefited from
                                           the  knowledge  and  the  practices  from  multiple  culture
                                           (India, Chinese and more recently  Western countries)
                                                 This reach history has influenced and nourished the
                                           Traditional Khmer Medicine
                                                 IXth  Century:  Popular    Medicinal  plants  are
                                           represented  on  the  oldest  Khmer  epigraphy  :  Areca
                                           Catechue L. (Palmae) , Cocos nucifera L. (Palmae), Piper
                                           betle L. (Piperaceae)
                                                 XIIth  Century:  The  “Leprer  King”  is  represented
                                           treated     by     Chaulmoogra        fruits    (Hydnocarpus
                                           anthelminthicus  Pirre ex Laness.)
                                                 XIIth    Century:     Say-Fong     Stele     mentioned
                   Say Fong Inscription
                   found by Georges        treatments  used  in  Khmer  hospital  s  to  cure  common
                   Maspéro in 1902 along   disease s: Calophyllum inophyllum  L. , Azadirachta indica
                   the Mekong River in
                   front of Muong-kuk in
                   Vientiane, Laos
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