Page 15 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 15
to promote sustainable use of indigenous medicine and medicinal
plants for community health care, and
to support the existence and recognition of folk healers as valuable
resource persons in the communities.
It is hoped that the Establishment of the Collaborative Network of Indigenous
Medicine in the Mekong Basin and the formulation of the framework of cooperation in
the meeting on September 7 will lay the ground for our future collaboration in the
area of ethnomedicine that will benefit every country in the Mekong Basin. It is
expected that our collaborative work will strengthen the role of our region to protect
our traditional medical knowledge and genetic resources in the national and
international arena.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Once again welcome you all to the meeting and I wish the meeting a success
and all the delegates for the successful outcome in the next three days and a most
enjoyable stay in our country.
Thank you very much.