Page 170 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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c)  Status of Deemed to be University on National Institute of Ayurveda

                                 (NIA) Jaipur: -NIA was conferred the Deemed to be University status under
                                 De novo category on 13  November 2020. NIA is the first Central Government
                                 funded Institute to be declared as Deemed to be University  in the field of
                                 Ayush. This feather in cap achievement came as recognition of NIA having

                                 175  years  of  legacy  and for  promoting  the  growth  and development  of
                                 Ayurveda as a model Institute with higher standards of Teaching, Training,

                                 Research, and Patient Care with a scientific outlook to the knowledge of
                                 Ayurvedic System of Healthcare.

                             d)  Setting up of All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi: The first ever
                                 All India Institute of  Ayurveda (AIIA), set up along the lines of  AIIMS to

                                 bring  synergy  between  the  traditional  wisdom  of  Ayurveda  and  modern
                                 diagnostic tools and technology was established on 17  October, 2017 at
                                 New Delhi. Within the short duration of its establishment, AIIA has gained
                                 a wide national and international recognition. It has started working to

                                 facilitate quality patient care by providing integrated healthcare services,
                                 research and bridging the gaps in the scientific information about quality,

                                 safety and efficacy of  Ayurveda products and developing benchmarks of
                                 Ayurvedic education, research and healthcare.

                             e)  Inclusion of Sowa-Rigpa into Ayush systems in 2010: The Government
                                 has suitably amended the Allocation of Business Rules and inter-alia included

                                 the  business  of  formulation  of  policy  for  development and  propagation  of
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                                 Sowa-Rigpa under the ambit of Ministry of Ayush. Legalising Sowa-Rigpa as

                                 an Ayush system has enabled the protection and preservation of this oldest
                                 and most well-documented medicine system in the world and has helped its

                                 propagation and development.
                             f)  Setting up of National Research Institute of Sowa-Rigpa: The National

                                 Research Institute of Sowa-Rigpa was upgraded to “National Institute of Sowa
                                 Rigpa” in Leh, UT of Ladakh with the approval of Cabinet on 20  November,
                                 2019 with provision for Research, Education and Public Health. NISR acts
                                 as an apex institute for Sowa-Rigpa system with the mandate to undertake

                                 interdisciplinary education and research programmes in Sowa-Rigpa in
                                 collaboration with national and international institutes.


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