Page 169 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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member states come under the region of WHO South-East Asia which fared better on

                     the global averages on all indicators. Sharing of best practices is indeed an important
                     strategy which the BIMSTEC  Task force on  Traditional Medicine has adopted which

                     helps  in facilitating  to provide  safe,  quality  and effective Traditional Medicine products
                     & services. Indian side shares with the BIMSTEC countries the “Best practices of Ayush

                     Sciences covering Education, Research, Policy, Technology and Public Health”.

                     2. Best Practices in AYUSH Education

                            The Ayush education system is institutionalised and very well-regulated offering
                     Undergraduate (UG), Postgraduate (PG) and PhD courses. Regulatory reforms brought

                     in  the Ayush  Medical  Education  sector  over  the  last  eight  years  have  transformed  this
                     sector, bringing in transparency, meritocracy and expansion.

                     2.1  Key highlights of Ayush Education System

                            a) New Legislations enacted- National Commission for Indian System of

                                Medicine  (NCISM) Act,  2020  and  National  Commission  for  Homoeopathy
                                (NCH)  Act, 2020 were enacted on 21  September, 2020, to replace the
                                existing Indian Medicine Central Council Act, 1970 and Homoeopathy Central
                                Council Act, 1973 respectively. Accordingly, as per the provisions of the said

                                Act, the statutory bodies National Commission for Indian System of Medicine
                                (NCISM) and National Commission for Homeopathy have been established

                                replacing the earlier Central Council of Indian Medicine (CCIM) and Central
                                Council of Homoeopathy (CCH) with an aim to regulate the standards of

                                education, teaching & training, recognition of degrees, and practice of Indian
                                System of Medicine and Homoeopathy.

                            b) Establishment of first Institute of National Importance (INI) in Ayush
                                sector: The Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda Act, 2020 enacted

                                on 22  September, 2020 confers the status of INI to the Institute of Teaching
                                and Research in  Ayurveda (ITRA) at Jamnagar by conglomerating four

                                institutes at Gujarat Ayurved University, campus Jamnagar. ITRA is the first
                                and only institution with INI status in the Ayush Sector, and this will enable

                                the institution to be independent and innovative in the matter of deciding
                                course content and pedagogy.  This has taken  Ayurveda education to new



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