Page 81 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 81


                            Action 2 – Jointly formulate research proposal and conduct joint research
                                       project in the area of indigenous medicine of communities along the
                                       Mekong River
                            Action 3 – Facilitate the exchange and collaboration of experts in the areas of
                                       ethnomedicine, ethnobotany, ethnopharmacology, medical
                                       anthropology among member countries
                        9.3 Protection of traditional medical knowledge and medicinal genetic

                            Action 1 – Set up “Core Committee on the Protection of Traditional Medical
                                       Knowledge and Medicinal Genetic Resources”

                            Action 2 – Hold the Meeting of the Core Committee to discuss and formulate
                                       action plans and to prepare and implement the Protection Guideline
                                       for member countries
                            Action 3 – Encourage member countries to establish herbal garden of
                                        medicinal plants for ethnomedicine in every member country for
                                        conservation and exchange of knowledge as well as propagation of
                                        medicinal plants for sustainable use of indigenous medicine
                        9.4 Human resource development

                            Action 1  –  Organize training courses  for researchers  on particular issues
                                        related to traditional medical knowledge, e.g., Rapid Ethnobotany
                            Action 2  –  Organize technical visit, training and capacity  building for folk
                                        healers to exchange knowledge and experience
               10.  The Meeting agreed to establish “The Academic Committee of the Network” which
               should  comprise  of  3  persons  from  each  country  representing  government  authority,  folk
               healer/representative from TM or indigenous medicine Association, and researchers in the
               areas of medicinal plants and folk medicine.  The names will be proposed by each country to
               rapporteur in one month.

               11.  The Meeting also agreed to establish  “The  Core Committee on the  Protection of
               Traditional  Medical Knowledge and Medicinal Genetic Resources” which should
               comprise of three persons from each country representing government authority, an expert
               in folk medicine and an expert in medicinal plants.  The names will be proposed by each
               country to rapporteur in one month.
               12.  Regarding the issue of the resource  for  funding of the collaborative activities, the
               Meeting acknowledged the information  from  Thailand that there are several international
               organizations; e.g. People and Plant Network  of  UNESCO,  WHO, WWF,  the Ford
               Foundation, and IUCN,  that are interested in  funding the projects  involving the study of
               indigenous  medicine  and  related  genetic  resources  in  the  Southeast  Asia.    Hence,  such
               organizations should be potential sources of funding for the activities of the Network.  The
               Academic Committee of the Network should prepare the grant proposal to submit to such
               organizations to cover the expense of the Network.

               13.  China as the head of the Collaborative Network should prepare the follow-up plan and
               the Logo of the network for consideration in the next meeting next year in China.
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