Page 64 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 64


                   1.3 Mr. Ky Bouhang

                                           Hometown: Tek Thla Sangkat (Commune)
                                           Ethnic group represented: Khmer
                                           Years of practice: since 1996
                                           Area of expertise: Leucorrhoea, stomach and abdominal pain,
                                           syphilis,  gonorrhea,  food  intoxication,  prolapsed  uterus,  a
                                           particular kind of very painful swelling of the whole body or any
                                           body part (for example fingertips), post-partum illnesses.
                                           Previous  award  or  recognition  received:  1).  Certificate  of
                                           recognition  by  Association  of  Khmer  Angkor  Development
                                           (1997)  2).  Certificate  of  Recognition  issued  by  National
                                           Centerof  Traditional  Medicine  (2002)  3).Certificate  of  Khmer
                                           Traditional Practitioner issued by Ministry of Health (2011)
                                           Educational  background  and  work  experiences:  Mr.  Ky
                                           Bouhang learned Traditional Medicine (TM) from several elder
               healers since 1980’s. He took several short courses on TM and got many certificates, for
               example, Certificate of Healer’s accreditation supported by WHO in 2001, and Certificate of
               Khmer Traditional Practitioner issued by Ministry of Health in 2011.

                        He  became  a  folk  healer  since  1996  by  accident  due  to  the  request  of  his
               neighbor’s  patients  who  asked  him  to  treat  their  diseases  such  as  infection,  blister,
               hemorrhoid, rhinitis, gastroenteritis, venereal disease, and leucorrhea, etc. As a result, he
               decided to be thefolk healer to serve people in the community.

                        Since 2001 to present, he has been working at the National Center of Traditional
               Medicine as a medicinal plants researcher and as a staff to prepare4 volumes of Cambodia
               medicinal  plants  books.  Moreover,  not  only  being  a  lecturer  on  medicinal  plantsatthe
               National Center of Traditional Medicine, he also provides training and field practice for the
               pharmacy  students.  Since  2011,  he  has  become  the  Chairman  of  Cambodia  Traditional
               Healers Association.

               Showcase  summary:  Mr.  Ky  Bouhang  kindly
               narrated  the  way  he  usually  diagnoses  and
               treats  his  patients  with  leucorrhea.  He  also
               introduced  the  proper  prevention  and  herbal
               medicine formula for leucorrhea treatment.
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